Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Dorco 6 blade razors

I hate shaving.
Always have, always will.
However I hate having an itchy face so usually, after 5 days growth I bite the bullet and shave it off.
I'm on blood thinners, so cutting myself isn't a good idea, so I usually use an electric razor.

But, I don't care what anyone says, a wet shave is the best shave.
Prep is everything. Lots of hot water, lots of decent soap lather, applied with a decent brush.
 With 5 blades on the main head, I would seriously doubt that these would deal with anything more than a couple of days worth of growth effectively, due to the closeness of the blades. It certainly wasn't something I was prepared to try, so for the purpose of this review, I trimmed down my facial growth with an electric trimmer, leaving it at stubble length.

It would be unfair to say that these razors are the best razors ever, but having tested them on my brillo –pad chin and cheeks, it would be reasonable to say that they perform as well as the name brand, ridiculously expensive alternatives that I've used over the years. The single blade on the rear tidied up my sideburns with no problem, but I did have to go back over the bit under my nose with an electric razor as I couldn't get the single blade near enough.
Regardless of the direction I used it in, this razor glided over my skin and was extremely easy to wash out between strokes. With the length/stubborn nature of my whiskers, I usually shave three times: Two to remove the worst and then the final polish. This razor left me with none of the red-ness or sore-ness that on occasion I have encountered and more importantly, didn't cut me once.
Excellent razors.

Price: £19.42
Product link:


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