Thursday 26 January 2017

Pokemon Sun - Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo have surpassed themselves with this.

This game really is so very different from the format that made Pokemon what it was with a much improved AI trainer and battles that thus far have actually presented a challenge. Graphics are better too, but there’s still some faint blurring around the edges. OK, there’s a lot of cut scenes, but - I’d go as far to say that it will appeal to adults, as well as the kids, such are the changes.
A few I’ve noticed in the couple of hours I’ve played so far include:

No traditional gyms. – Instead you must get past captains and Todum Pokemon to access 4 islands, by completing quizzes, quests and battles.

A QR Scanner. - Each scan will give you random Pokemon trivia. A random scan of a code gives you ten points. Reach a hundred points (I’m only on 40) and you can then search the island for a rare Pokemon. .

Photo Taking - You can photograph any Pokemon you encounter in the wilderness.

Auto Run - You can now run extremely fast and in all directions.

Hidden Machines (HM’s)are gone – Instead you can ride interactive Pokemon on the world map.

Fishing. - You are now limited to where you can fish

Pokebank – Allows you to transfer your character between sun and moon.
I’ve no doubt there’s a lot more changes I’ve yet to find, but those I’ve referenced really do add a very different dynamic to this game. I can see this game being played until the smallest of small hours.
Grab it. It’s brilliant.

Price: £31.99
Product link:


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