The Rocket Pro arrived in very nice metal tin with a Sabrent branded sleeved around it, inside the tin the drive fitted into a hard rubber cut out along with another cut out for the cable. The tin container gives excellent protection for the drive and ideal for packing when you are on the move.
I plugged this into my desktop PC for testing; my desktop PC only has USB 3.0 so I was fully aware there would be limitations on the speed results I could obtain but as I was planning to use this on my Xbox One as an external drive it is a good and realistic test as the Xbox One has USB 3.0 on all ports so although I have included my speed test in the video and a screen capture they only reflect a USB 3.0 test and you would obtain far higher with USB 3.1 or USB 3.2.
This drive is almost exactly three times the speed of my internal hard drive even with it going through the USB port, I dropped some videos and large images onto it and the loading speed was almost instant with the comparison of loading this from my internal hard drive taking several seconds to start the video or load a large picture.
After running a number of tests on the drive I was more than happy with its speed and stability so it was time to set it up on my Xbox One, I would also add it is plug and play no messing about, you plug it in and it’s there ready to use.
Setting this up on an Xbox One is a very simple process of plugging it into one of the USB ports and the Xbox One recognises it letting you set it up for either games or media, I set it up for games and moved several games across from the 240gig external SSD I already have attached to my Xbox One which all worked flawlessly. For anyone who uses an Xbox One a SSD makes a huge difference to loading times and anyone who plays games such as Destiny 2 it takes away all of the annoying ‘Loading’ messages you get during the game.
Overall this is a really nice fast external SSD, its compact, plug and play, sleek metal design, small enough to fit in your pocket if you need to and also coming with a metal tin with excellent protection should you want to pack it away for transit. It sits nicely on top of my Xbox One and really makes a huge difference to loading times.
I plugged this into my desktop PC for testing; my desktop PC only has USB 3.0 so I was fully aware there would be limitations on the speed results I could obtain but as I was planning to use this on my Xbox One as an external drive it is a good and realistic test as the Xbox One has USB 3.0 on all ports so although I have included my speed test in the video and a screen capture they only reflect a USB 3.0 test and you would obtain far higher with USB 3.1 or USB 3.2.
This drive is almost exactly three times the speed of my internal hard drive even with it going through the USB port, I dropped some videos and large images onto it and the loading speed was almost instant with the comparison of loading this from my internal hard drive taking several seconds to start the video or load a large picture.
After running a number of tests on the drive I was more than happy with its speed and stability so it was time to set it up on my Xbox One, I would also add it is plug and play no messing about, you plug it in and it’s there ready to use.
Setting this up on an Xbox One is a very simple process of plugging it into one of the USB ports and the Xbox One recognises it letting you set it up for either games or media, I set it up for games and moved several games across from the 240gig external SSD I already have attached to my Xbox One which all worked flawlessly. For anyone who uses an Xbox One a SSD makes a huge difference to loading times and anyone who plays games such as Destiny 2 it takes away all of the annoying ‘Loading’ messages you get during the game.
Overall this is a really nice fast external SSD, its compact, plug and play, sleek metal design, small enough to fit in your pocket if you need to and also coming with a metal tin with excellent protection should you want to pack it away for transit. It sits nicely on top of my Xbox One and really makes a huge difference to loading times.
- SUPPORTS - Designed to work with both Windows and Mac OS, so you can transfer data between almost any computer in the world. Complies with trim, UASP, and firmware is upgradable.
- PLUG & PLAY - OS independent, and fully bus powered, No drivers required.
- SPEED - Ultra-fast 10Gbps throughput, low latency and power efficient. At up to 1000MB/s,
- DESIGN - Ultra slim aluminum alloy sandblasted shell. Sleek, Durable, and Convenient. Portable yet durable, ideal for traveling.
- USE - Perfect for a variety of uses including data transfer, high-speed storage, data backup, cloning an existing drive, running a mobile operating system, and more.
Product Description
The Sabrent Rocket Pro 1TB USB 3.2 External Aluminum SSD (SB-1TB-PRO) delivers all the advantages of flash disk technology.
Based on 3D TLC NAND Flash memory, its performance speeds can reach up to 1000MB/s. Power consumption is much lower than traditional hard drives, making it the best solution for your external storage needs.
Designed to work with both Windows and Mac, this enclosure is equipped with a USB 3.2 Type-C connector, also includes a USB Type-C to Type-A cable and a Type-A to Type-C adapter, basically everything you need to be able to transfer data between almost any computer in the world.
• SPEED - With USB 3.2 interface, the Rocket Pro provides speeds of up to 1000MB/s, thats 9x faster than traditional external HDDs. Transfer and backup large-sized data files and 4k videos within seconds. Backward compatible with USB 3.1 and USB 3.0 at respective speed limits.
• DESIGN - Ultra slim aluminum alloy sandblasted shell. Sleek, Durable, and Convenient. Portable yet durable, ideal for traveling.
• HEAT MANAGEMENT - Professional Aluminum Case. Designed for optimal heat Dissipation and reduced power consumption.
• Supports SMART and TRIM commands. Supports ONFi 2.3, ONFi 3.0, ONFi 3.2 and ONFi 4.0 interface.
• Advanced Wear Leveling, Bad Block Management, and Over-Provision.
Package contents:
• 1TB External Aluminum SSD.
• USB 3.2 Type-C to Type-A Cable & Type-A to Type-C Adapter.
• User Manual
Price: £199.00
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